Monday, December 12, 2011

kuey tiaw goreng!!

Waaa!! nmpk sedap kan bg sesape yg feveret kuey tiaw? haha!! td aku blaja masak kuey tiaw ngan mama..hihi..sengaja je so that next time aku boleh buat sendiri..tujuan utamanye adalah untuk memasak utk awak!! haha..kuey tiaw yg dijnjikan dlu aku x bg un..hmm..sedeh..nk tebus.. Sokay2..skarang aku dh tawu cmner nk watnyer..tnggal tnggu masa yg sesuai jer..hihi..!! erm,kuey tiaw yg aku wat td simple2 jer tp sumpa sedap!! haha!! dah air tngan mama dan aku yg masak!! mmg ah!! keluarga chef la ktekan!! haha.. So,better aku tulis dlm blog nie supaya nnt aku tak la lupa cmner cara2 nk buatnyer..hihi..

First of all,sudah tentu bahan2nyer kne ada kan..

mestila kuey tiawnyer

-sayur kucai
-daun sup
-bawang merah 
-bawang putih
-cili kering

-ayam pon boleyh
*yg nie ikut suka la nk masukkn ape pun..

-kicap pekat
-sos cili

Okay..sume bahan dah,blender la kedua2 bawang tersebut dan juga cili kering. selepas itu,tumiskan mereka..then,potong daun sup, sayur kucai dan carrot..taugeh jgn potong ye..basuh bersih2 dulu sblum tu eh? lg2 daun sup sbb dye berpasir..potong frankfurtur comel2,udang dibuang kulit dan ekornya dan buat la pape yg sepatutnyer kt bahan2 lain tuh..haha!! selepas dah redy sume bahan2 tu,basuh kuey tiaw n bg dye lerai..jgn basuh awal2 sbb taknak bg keuy tiaw uh jd kembang cm megi..haha!! then,cmpakkan aje ke dalam kuali yg sedang menumis kisaran bwg2 dan cili kering td..k? hihi..pastu gaul2..masukkan sume bahan jugak..sambil2 tu,masukkan sekali kicap dan sos ikut sesedap rasa..klu nk pedas siket letak sos bnyk..klu nk manis sket letak kicap lebeh..then gaul2 sampai la nmpk rupa kuey tiaw goreng ye..haha!! taklah..mksud aku smpai la kicap,sos dan sume bahan2 tadi rata..pastikan jugak api tak terlalu kuat dan tak terlalu perlahan sngt k? So,kuey tiaw un SIAPP..!! boleh la nk dihidangkan kepada orang..nk lg seronok,taburla sket bawang goreng..haha!! simple kan? hnya ambil bbrapa steps jer..nk buat sendiri un da boleh skarang..hihi!! 

So,thankz to mama kerana sudi mengajar aku  yg x berapa nk reti masak nie..haha!! At least,aku boleh poyo2 kt anak aku nnt..umur 15 tahun dh pndai memasak..ceyhh...haha!! Mcm yg mama selalu ckp kt aku? tercabarr kott..haha!! Tp,ape yg mama ckp uh serius membina..haha!! you're the superb mum of mine!! luv youu sooo much!! hihi!! <3

And to awak..haha!! bersiap sedia lah ye..tgh cari masa gak nk bg..xkan la post en..basi dah ble smpai..haha!! haihh..rugi x tepati jnji sye kan mase kt mktab dlu..hmm...sory..mmg x de masa tyme tu..huhu..
So,walau lame mne un..sye tetap akan tepati jnji k? nk bg jugak..nk bg jugak!! hihi..

p/s : feveret tv show aku skarang adalah masterchef !! hehe

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rudolf Rassendyll n Princess Flavia

Today is our official anniversary..yay!! lme gak aku ngan DIA perthankn hubungan nie..bermula dr di kawad bomba..*kawad sebelah2!! first perbualan dlm kawad,,pasal muka aq akn burn..haha!! ntah thankz matahari..xde kau,,aq xkn ckp gtu n x kn start bersembang ngan DIA..then,dye anta messenger aizat seperti rudolf anta colonel sapt kt princess flavia..haha..nk num tipu DIA ckp aq gne num abg DIA cuak skett..haha!! last2,,contact gak kt myspace..haha!! since dr situ la,,KAMI mula rapat..suka duka share sama2..perpisahan apabila DIA akn melnjutkn pelajaran ke universiti setelah tamat zamn sekolahnya..nak nges un ada..terharu la..=') x boleh la cmnei , harini kne hepy2..hihih..wlaupun x dpt kuar jln2,tp aku luangkn mase ym ngan DIA hrini..hehe..*mcm la sblum2 nie tak seharian ym.. Hahah!! KAMI mmg begitu..sehari x contact boleyh jadi gila..haha..even skarang un tgh ym2 dye..hihihi..!! Erm,,mlm nie..aku ade wat sumting yg sweet ngan DIA dan nana..(5 tahun)*future adk ipar.. hahah!! nana melukis gmba kami bertiga sedang membualkn ttg masa depan..comel..!! haha!! disebbkn nana sellau membaca msj KAMI,jadi nana dihukum utk membenarkn KAMI membaca msj dye pulak bila besar nnt..hahaha!! jadi,,perjnjian telah termetrai..haha..bukti lukisan dan siap suara nana beraku janji lg..hahha!! sweet la aq rase..x pernah kot rse gnie..haha..seronoknyerr berharap kekal jer hbngan nie..tros menjadi manis..smpai la bila2!! hehe.. seronok sngt dpt kenal family dye..sume cool jer!! hihi..thankz kt NINA,,DINA,,ANGAH,,NANA dan terutama kat AWAKK..!!! hehe..Okay lah..smpai sini jer dulu update utk kali time update lg k? hehe.. babai..!!!

HAHA!! ni la dye lukisannye..kiut kn? hehe


 p/s : nk upload suara nana beraku janji,tp x leh pulak..ada masalh ..heheh

Friday, November 11, 2011

A box full of kisses

Here,,i have one short inspiring story wanna tell you =)

The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy."

The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found out the box was empty. He yelled at her, stating, "Don't you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside? The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, "Oh, Daddy, it's not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They're all for you, Daddy."

The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness.

Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and, whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.

moral of the story :

"In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other possession, anyone could hold, more precious than this."

Friday, June 3, 2011

long distance

I can't see you
I can't smell you
I can't touch you
And I can't feel you
But, somehow, I know you're there.
I long to hear your voice once more.
In the past it filled me with exhilaration
And then left me in despair.
Fill my soul once more with your proper tone
And then jerk it away, as we say, "So long".
I want to know feelings I never felt before
But will I ever experience your gentle voice again?
As you solemnly whisper, "I love you, I need you."
I can't see you
I can't smell you
I can't touch you
And I can't taste you
But, somehow, I feel I could.
Why does my heart beat so rapidly
At one little thought of you?
Why do I need for you to touch me, hold me
Press your sweet, warm body to mine?
Oh, give me pleasure I could never know....
I want you to teach me the wonders
I've never known and take me to levels
Never seen before by my quivering soul.
Suck me in, let me drown.....
It would be like a baptism...... my heart with yours.
I can't see you
I can't smell you
I can imagine
And I can't touch you.
Somehow I feel we're beyond that.

We are two- united from the start
Meant to teach, to love, to comfort, and caress.
I could never let go of you
Even though there is nothing to grasp.
Even if it fades over time
It could never fade completely
And, one day, when I do see you.....
I'll feel it's you, I'll know it's you
The love, pain, worries, and curiosity
Will run through me once again.
I Will see you
I Will smell you
I Will feel you
I Will taste you

Sunday, April 24, 2011

haNG oUTT...!!

waaa...really exciting..! sumpa ckp..haha...last weekend..i went hang out to i-city with my sister..n my bf's sister..haha..really enjoy it..! we enter the snowalk..snap salji..skate..haha..n mcm2 lg la...we snap pictures dekat pokok lampu2 uh..cntek's very cold in the snowalk...memula masuk mmg x rsa langsung...mmg we all kutuk gler ar..heyy..we paid for rm 25 / person...then..this is all what we got..wekk..!! haha...then..after a few minutes later..dh start rsa dh sejuk ble pegang2 ais uh..haha...then..mkin lme..mkin gilaa...haha...!! frost..!! nk ckp un susah...mcm kne gam..haha...!!tangan dh start saket2...haha.,,.men skate..luncur2 ats ice...hahha,..syok gler..mmg enjoy ar..dont know how to express it..but obviously mmg besttt gilaa..!! haha...hang out with dak2 U..mmg best ar...duit un bnyk...hahhaa...sporting giler abes ar..! haha...then..sempat tgk bola jap..MU lwn ape ntah...haha....but my sister and i x layan..hahha...kitorunk g jln2...haha...!! then..after uh...g mkn2 lapar gilarr..dh puas maenn...first we plan nk g pizza hut...wanna try the cheesy pops pizza uh..but sister is on diet kne hormati la dye..g kfc jee..we all order mcm2...but sister just amik ayam 2 ketul n coleslow...hahhaa...ayam un ayam daging...haha..!! bersungguh gler nk diet..!! hehe...then...after uh..balek umah...tgk2 jam..OMG..!! kul 2 pagi bhai..!! haha...x sangka gler...!! enjoy weekend ..!! haha..luckily it just took 1 hours je perjalanan...then...smpi umah dlm kul 2 lebey my brother speed up n jln un x jam cz x bnyk sngt are all the pictures....tnjuk sket jer ar...klu nk bnyk..tgk sendri kt fb..hahhaa

sorry..gamba agak blur cz ada kabus kt camera..bru kluar snowalk..

Saturday, March 12, 2011

HosTeL LifE

the happiest day of my life is when i checked the internet informing me that i've been accepted into a boarding school (MJSC Bentong ler)hehe..what joy..! i was looking forward to living with people of my own age since i'm only child.rsa2 mcm dh keje jer...wkaka..!my family were really sad to let me go away but they understood that it is for my own good (budget jer)haha...well...mmg btol un..of course la...i'm the last that still in ..4 sure they want the bestest from me..ngee...!after a few years in college..i found that i really2 enjoyed hostel life altought sometimes uh ader la homesick2 has taught me to be independent and is a lot of fun since i do everything with my friends...every morning..wake up...turon suboh..kdg2 ponteng suboh..haha!g skola sme2..dngr ceramah free tyme roll call...riadah ptg2....(wekk..!!)haha...budget ikot jer routine hostel sume tuh..haha...tyme f1 dulu boley year of 2011 is my senior year 4 lower secondary n the senior of mjsc Tar....satu2nya pioneer batch yg tnggal since f5 tawon lps dh x de...huhu...n this is mybe my last year in mjsc tar..i would like to transfer to other mjsc when i reach f4 nnt....i'm sure i will miss my life with my friends.we have laughed,cried,studied and played together these past years.we also have grown up from being adolescents to young adults...(ceyy..mntg2 bru blaja topic growth ) memories i will treasure for the rest of my life...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

established since td..haha

haha..welcome to my blog..bru jer bwat this is my first entry....waaa...excited topic that i wanna share here is 'bout who inspiring me to join this blog...cuz she keep remembering me to capapkn dye dlm my blog nih..haihh..haha..but..papepon..i thank leisure time nih sementra ketiadaan "dia"ader la keje sket..hehe..(budget x der keje jer....pdhal hw bersepah2) wont talk bout homework the holidays just started..chill la dulu....alahaaiii.....erm...ha.!so...the one that inspiring me to join this blog is hawa's my bestie kt mktab...hehe...beriyer2 la dye suh i'm joining this blog item....haha....smpi suh cri url 4 this new blog since kt mktab lg...x pnyer last...tercetuslar idea nk bwat nma bbqcurrydude due to that time i'm tengah melantak twisties dlm class...hahaa....boley la...nme flavour twisties pon jd's okay en..?moreover..twisties is one of my favourite junk food other than twisties..!!hahha...erm...what else hah want to share...??adumakkkk...wa dh lupe la...hrituh bnyk jer idea..then..skarang abes sume dh vanished...haha....k la....that's all jer kott for this time...nie pon just nk try jer dulu...haha....papay